Web Guide: Real Estate | TIME
Realtor.com: Real Estate 101
This real-estate listing site, run by the National Association of Realtors, offers tutorials on financing, buying and selling, home styles, price factors and more for those new to the world of real estate
Realty Times
Realty Times features a stable of columnists and advice for those in the real-estate market
With links to nearly every type of real-estate site, this index is one of the most comprehensive ones online
International Real Estate Digest
Extensive listings of brokers, real-estate agencies, blogs and hundreds of real-estate sites across the globe
CraigsList Housing Discussion Group
House prices, home valuations and property value information
BankRate.com Calculators
Figure out what you can afford to pay for a home or property —and then calculate your mortgage.
SmartMoney Mortgage Calculator
Use this site to decide what you should be paying for your property
Find maps of available housing with this service from Google Maps and Craigslist
Get a bird’s-eye view of a property using its address, then find data on real estate in the area you select
Technorati Tag: Real Estate
Search blogs that have real-estate content tagged by Technorati
Billed as “the original real-estate blog”, real-estate agent Hanan Levin in Southern California runs this blog on behalf of the three-person agency where he works. The blog offers commentary on the real-estate industry, with tips and tactics for selling or buying properties, as well as general sites of interest on all topics under the sun
The Housing Bubble 2
Arizonan Ben Jones blogs on the white-hot real estate market and its impact on the larger economy
Real Estate Memoirs Blog
Local real estate agents from various markets contribute to this blog, which also offers a Statistic of the Week and tips for selling or buying property direct from agents themselves