Mgen: How to Conjugate in German - Lingoda
‘Mögen’ as a modal verb in German expresses a wish or desire to do something. The closest equivalent in English is “to like”. We’ll go over the conjugation of ‘mögen’ as well as the modal use and the difference between ‘mögen’ and ‘möchte’.
Conjugating the German modal verb ‘mögen’
‘Mögen’ in German is an irregular verb with the forms “mag”, “mochte” and “gemocht”. It uses ‘haben’ as an auxiliary verb, as in “ihr habt gemocht” (you have liked). ‘Mögen’ uses active flection as a modal verb, while the full verb can have a passive voice.
Conjugating ‘mögen’
1st sing. | ich mag | ich mochte | ich habe gemocht |
2nd sing. | du magst | du mochtest | du hast gemocht |
3rd sing. | er/sie/es mag | er/sie/es mochte | er/sie/es hat gemocht |
1st pl. | wir mögen | wir mochten | wir haben gemocht |
2nd. pl. | ihr mögt | ihr mochtet | ihr habt gemocht |
3rd. pl | sie mögen | sie mochten | sie haben gemocht |
1st sing. | ich hatte gemocht | ich werde mögen | ich werde gemocht haben |
2nd sing. | du hattest gemocht | du wirst mögen | du wirst gemocht haben |
3rd sing. | er/sie/es hatte gemocht | er/sie/es wird mögen | er/sie/es wird gemocht haben |
1st pl. | wir hatten gemocht | wir werden mögen | wir werden gemocht haben |
2nd. pl. | ihr hattet gemocht | ihr werdet mögen | ihr werdet gemocht haben |
3rd. pl | sie hatten gemocht | sie werden mögen | sie werden gemocht haben |
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1st sing. | ich möge | ich möchte | ich habe gemocht |
2nd sing. | du mögest | du möchtest | du habest gemocht |
3rd sing. | er/sie/es möge | er/sie/es möchte | er/sie/es habe gemocht |
1st pl. | wir mögen | wir möchten | wir haben gemocht |
2nd. pl. | ihr möget | ihr möchtet | ihr habet gemocht |
3rd. pl | sie mögen | sie möchten | sie haben gemocht |
1st sing. | ich hätte gemocht | ich würde mögen | ich würde gemocht haben |
2nd sing. | du hättest gemocht | du würdest mögen | du würdest gemocht haben |
3rd sing. | er/sie/es hätte gemocht | er/sie/es würde mögen | er/sie/es würde gemocht haben |
1st pl. | wir hätten gemocht | wir würden mögen | wir würden gemocht haben |
2nd. pl. | ihr hättet gemocht | ihr würdet mögen | ihr würdet gemocht haben |
3rd. pl | sie hätten gemocht | sie würden mögen | sie würden gemocht haben |
10 ways that German and English are similar
Infinitive, participle and imperative
“Mögen” is the infinitive in the present tense whereas “gemocht haben” is the perfect infinitive. The infinitives with ‘to’ are “zu mögen” and “gemocht zu haben”. The participles are “mögend” and “gemocht”.
‘Mögen’ has no imperative per se. However, you can use the present tense either as a question or a statement to tell someone to do something. Note that the subjunctive with ‘möchte’ is the more polite form to do so:
- 2nd person singular:
“Magst/möchtest du das bitte tun?” = Would you please do that?
“Du magst/möchtest das bitte tun.” = You should do that, please.
- 3rd person singular:
“Mag/möchte er/sie/es das bitte tun?” = Would he/she/it please do that?
“Er/sie/es mag/möchte das bitte tun.” = He/she/it should do that, please.
- 2nd person plural:
“Mögt/möchtet ihr das bitte tun?” = Would you please do that?
“Ihr mögt/möchtet das bitte tun.” = You should do that, please.
- 3rd person plural:
“Mögen/möchten sie das bitte tun?” = Would they please do that?
“Sie mögen/möchten das bitte tun.” = They should do that, please.
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Usage of ‘mögen’ as a modal verb
You can use ‘mögen with the infinitive of a second verb to express that you like doing something. As in English, this has the meaning that you generally enjoy doing it:
- “Ich mag Fußball spielen.” = I like/enjoy playing soccer.
- “Wir mögen schwimmen.” = We like swimming.
- “Ihr mögt Eis essen.” = You like eating ice cream.
However, you can use ‘mögen’ in the same way to express a wish, though you’d usually add a marker such as “jetzt”, “gleich”, “später” or “heute” to show when exactly you’d like to do something:
- “Magst du heute ins Kino gehen?” = Would you like to go to the cinema today?
- “Ich mag heute nicht schlafen.” = I don’t want to sleep today.
- “Du magst später spazieren gehen.” = You like to go for a walk later.
Note that you’d more commonly use the subjunctive form ‘möchte’ to express a wish or desire.
When to use ‘möchte’ and ‘mögen’
Keep in mind that ‘möchte’ is a subjunctive form of ‘mögen’. The main difference between the two is that you can use ‘mögen’ as a full verb also, while ‘möchte’ only has modal use. For expressing a wish, ‘möchte’ is the weakest form to express a wish:
- STRONG: “Ich will etwas trinken!” = I want to drink something!
- WEAKER: “Ich mag etwas trinken!” = I (would) like to drink something (now)!
- WEAKEST: “Ich möchte etwas trinken!” = I’d like to drink something!
In spoken German, you’ll hear ‘möchte’ being used almost like a full verb. That is because in many situations, you can drop the second verb in modal usage without losing the meaning, according to context. However, this is colloquial:
- “Ich möchte ein Bier (trinken)!” = I’d like (to drink) a beer!
- “Sie möchten Hamburger (essen).” = They’d like (to eat) hamburgers.
- “Er möchte ins Kino (gehen).” = He’d like to go to the cinema.
- “Ich möchte dich!” = I want you!
- “Sie möchte das (haben/tun).” = She’d like (to have/do) that.”
- “Wir möchten, dass ihr uns besucht.” = We’d like for you to visit us (we’d like that you visit us).
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‘Mögen’ as a full verb
When you use ‘mögen’ as a full verb, its common use is to state that you like something or someone in general:
- “Ich mag dich” = I like you.
- “Sie mögen Pizza (essen).” = They like/enjoy (eating) pizza.
- Du magst Punk Musik.” = You like punk music.
You can also form concessionary clauses with mögen, though this can appear stilted and you can convey the same meaning with conditional clauses:
- “Mag es auch regnen, ich gehe trotzdem aus.” = May it rain, I’ll still go out. (Even if it rains, I’ll still go out).
- “Du magst alt sein, bist aber gesund.” = You may be old, but you’re healthy.
- “Sie sind lecker, mögen sie auch unansehnlich sein.” = They are tasty, though they may be unsightly.”
- “Möge der Bessere gewinnen!” = May the better one win!
Lastly, you can use ‘mögen’ for indirect speech to report a polite request:
- “Sie hat gesagt, ich möge auf sie warten.” = She said I should wait for her.
- “Du hast mich gebeten, ich möge dir etwas mitbringen.” = You asked me to bring you something.
- “Ich hatte gesagt, dass du aufräumen mögest.” = I had told you that you should tidy up.
Want to learn more about German modals? Here’s how to use and conjugate modal verbs in German!
Jakob Straub
Jakob is a freelance writer in Barcelona, Spain, and his favorite books have pages all empty. As an expert storyteller, he publishes creative fiction in English and German and helps other authors shape their manuscripts into compelling stories. Thanks to an expertise in a wide range of topics such as writing, literature and productivity to marketing, travel, and technology, he produces engaging content for his clients. Apart from the escape that books offer, Jakob enjoys traveling digital nomad style and stays active with climbing and hiking. Find out more about him on his website or on Goodreads.